Congratulations on your victory in 2024.
The Honorable Philip Edward "Brave" Davis,
Prime Minister, Commonwealth of the Bahamas,
met recently with Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher
and Editor of Chicago Greek Press, at the
City Club of Chicago
The Honorable, Tammy Duckworth, U.S.Senator of Illinois during her meeting at the City Club of Chicago with Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher and Editor of Chicago Greek Press
Left to right are: Dennis P. Fitzgerald, Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus, Cardinal Blase Joseph Cupich of Chicago, and William S Warnock Warden, Knights of Columbus
Left to right: Mark V. Tiniakos, Dennis P. Fitzgerald, Bob Camp, Steven Hermaz, and Georgia Tiniakos.
October 14, 2023 at
Alps Pancake House Restaurant, 3637 W. Irving Park Rd..
(left to right)
Dennis P. Fitzgerald, Grand Knight Knights of Columbus, Mark V. Tiniakos, Editor/Publisher “ChicagoGreekPress”
Bob Theo, Owner Alps Pancake House, William S. Warnock, Warden, Knights of Columbus.
Mark V. Tiniakos publisher and editor of Chicago Greek Press recently had the privilege to meet with Alexi Giannoulias, the Secretary of the State of Illinois and discussed important issues concerning the citizens of the State of Illinois.
General, Ioannis Metaxas, Prime Minister of Greece with King George B, and Marshal, Alexandros Papagos, along with Crown Prince of Greece, Paul B', during the Greek-Italian War in 1940
FOR RELEASE: Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Contact: Maria Pappas (312) 603-6202
Pappas mails first installment property tax bills to 1.8 million owners. More than 12,000 have already paid $64 million online.
CHICAGO — Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas has mailed nearly 1.8 million Tax Year 2024 First Installment property tax bills. Payments are due March 4, 2025.
The First Installment is 55% of the previous year's total tax. Exemptions that can reduce a property owner’s taxes are applied to the Second Installment.
“Each year more and more people use our website to pay their property tax bills online,” said Pappas. “People like the convenience of paying online and not having to come downtown to pay in person or write a check and pay for postage.”
To make a payment online, visit and follow these steps:
Select the blue box labeled “Pay Online for Free.”
Enter your address or 14-digit Property Index Number (PIN).A picture of your property should appear so you’ll know you’re paying the correct bill. There is no fee to pay online from your bank account. The Treasurer’s Office accepts partial payments but First Installment taxes must be paid by March 4th to avoid a late charge of 0.75 percent per month, as mandated by Illinois law.
You can also use cookcountytreasurer.comto:
Search $122 million in available refunds.
Check if you are missing out on $33 million in property tax exemptions, which lower your tax bill.
Read the Pappas Studies, a series of research projects that include a 20-year history of Cook County property taxes.
Students from Koraes Elementary School visited
the Office of Cook County Treasurer, Maria Pappas,
for the celebration of Vasilopita event on January 28, 2025
On January 7, 2025 Nile's Chambers of Commerce hosted the Business after Hours event at the International Servant Leaders Museum. With the gracious help of Tracy Holmes, Executive Director of the Nile's Chamber of Commerce, and Erin Doerr, Events Director of the Nile's Chamber of Commerce. Pictured here is Rachael Ivanovic, founder of WiggleTown, explaining her new business to Chamber of Commerce members
On January 18, 2024 at City Club of Chicago, former Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot spoke about the importance of community-based organizations in shaping thriving, peaceful communities and the ways in which the need to support these organizations is shaping her post-Mayoral work. Mayor Lightfoot moderated a panel discussion with community leaders Ayesha Jaco (West Side United), Craig Chico (Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council), and Jaye Stapleton (Chicago Vibrant Neighborhoods Collective).
Hon. Lori Lightfoot, former Mayorof City of Chicago with Mark V. Tiniakos,Publisher/Editor of Chicago Greek Press.
Canada's Ambassador to the United States,
Hon. Kirsten Hillman with Mark V. Tiniakos.
Publisher and Editor of the Chicago Greek
Press at City Club of Chicago.
On Saturday, October 7, 2023, the 47th Annual Dinner/Awards by the Irish American Police Association was held at the Gaelic Park in Oak Forest, Illinois. Awards were presented to several Police Officers.
Left to right: Hon. Jesse G. Reyes, Judge; Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher and Editor of Chicago Greek Press, Hon. William Raines, Judge and Dennis P. Fitzgerald, Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus.
Left to right are: Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher and Editor of Chicago Greek Press; Leo P. Schmitz, Chief, Cook County Sheriff Police and Dennis P. Fitzgerald, Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus.
(Chicago) – This year marks the 40th anniversary of the life-sized Nativity scene in Daley Plaza, one of Chicago’s most iconic Christmas traditions, and one of the largest Nativity scenes in the world. Hosted by the Chicago Nativity Scene Committee, the Christmas display represents classic free speech and free exercise of religion by private citizens in the public square. This is the only traditional display of the Nativity Scene in downtown Chicago’s public square. The Nativity Scene is funded through private donors, not by the City of Chicago. The Chicago Nativity Scene Committee Seeks to raise $40,000 to maintain and refurbish the statues and manger, so it can continue to be displayed for years to come. “We’re so proud to celebrate the Nativity Scene’s 40th anniversary at Daley Plaza,” said Ed O’Malley, coordinator of the Chicago Nativity Scene Committee. “This longstanding tradition wouldn’t happen without the faith and commitment of the “God Squad” volunteers and donors; some of them and their families have been helping for 40 years.” “Forty years of Chicago winters have taken a toll on the Nativity scene,” said O’Malley. “Many of the statues are peeling and need to be repaired or replaced, and the manger and fencing need refurbishing. We want to be sure the Nativity scene can be displayed in Chicago for another 40 years.” O’Malley continued, “The Nativity Scene is one of the most beautiful Christmas traditions and a symbol of the true meaning of Christmas. People who visit the Nativity, even for a few moments, find peace and hope in what can be a hectic season.” The Committee has launched its “Support the Nativity” campaign to seek donations to repair and refurbish the statues and manger: The Knights of Columbus Police Council donated to replace part of the fence. Additional donations are needed to be sure the Nativity scene remains beautiful and safe for all to enjoy. ABOUT ASSEMBLY: The “God Squad” will erect the Nativity Scene in Daley Plaza on November 30 from 8-10:15 AM. Children are invited into the manger to spread hay. At 10:15, organizers provide a brief history of the display and the struggles to get initial approval from the courts to erect the display. At 10:45, a priest blesses the Nativity scene and a choir sings Christmas carols. ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION: The Chicago Nativity Scene is a 501(c)(3) charity organization. The Chicago Nativity Scene Committee is a group of private citizens who believe that the birth of Christ is the reason for the Christmas season, and who want to remind fellow citizens of this by exercising their freedoms of religion and speech in the public square.
Left to right: Alexandros Daskalakis,
Gregory Lereno, Chanter, Theodore
Daskalopoulos, Administrator of
St. Athanasios Greek Orthodox Church and
Rev. Fr. Alexandros during the Feast of
St. Alexandros Day
Left to right: William S. Warnock,
Warden, Dr. Alexandra Douvas,
Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher and Editor
of Chicago Greek Press, and Dennis P.
Fitzgerald, Grand Knight of Knights of
Left to right: Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher and Editor, Chicago
Greek Press, KC4; William S. Warnock, Warden;
Dennis P. Fitzgerald, Grand Knight; Paul Vallas;
Vasi Skopis, Real Estate Broker and Steven Hermaz KC3.
Left to right: Steven Hermaz KC3; Georgia Tiniakos; Mark V. Tiniakos, KC4;
William S. Warnock, Warden; Paul Vallas; Dennis P. Fitzgerald, Grand Knight of
Knights of Columbus; Vasi Skopis, Real Estate Broker.
Hon. Jesse G. Reyes, Judge of Appellate Court (right) with Nick Tiniakos at the University
of Illinois in Chicago, during the sworn-in at the Law School
September 30, 2023 at the Brotherhood for the Fallen Gala at Hyatt Regency Rosemont.
Superintendent of Chicago Police Department, Larry Snelling (left) and Knights of Columbus,
Grand Knight, Dennis P. Fitzgerald
Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher and Editor
of Chicago Greek Press along with
Dr. Peter S. Petrovas, DC (right), at his
office in Chicago where he performs
excellent services for his patients.
On May 3, 2024, the Annual Polish American Police Association Awards Banquet and the Celebration of Polish Constitution Day took place at Allegro Banquets in Schiller Park, Illinois. The recipients of the Awards were: Police Officer Peter Eberling, Joanna Tys, Peter J. Chorzepa, Scott Gutkowski (Detective), Matt Decowski, President Emeritus Ronald "Topper" Topczewski, Tmothy O. Schaefer, Stanislaw Wojciech Sarna, President Polish Highlander Alliance of North America, Irene Moskal Del Giudice, Longtime Advocate for Polonia, Debra J. Rucci, PAPA Member and Volunteer.
Left to right: Dennis P. Fitzgerald, Grand Knight
- Knights of Columbus, Father Daniel J. Brandt and
Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher/Editor, Chicago Greek Press
Left to right:
Dennis P. Fitzgerald, Grand Knight - Knights of Columbus, Thomas A. Sieja, President of Polish American Police Association and Mark V. Tiniakos, Sir Knights of Columbus
Dennis P. Fitzgerald, Grand Knight - Knights of Columbus, Thomas A. Sieja, President of Polish American Police Association, and Steven Hermaz - Knights of Columbus.
Police Officers from Poland with Dennis P. Fitzgerald, Grand Knight - Knights of Columbus (right) with Mark V. Tiniakos, Sir Knight - Knights of Columbus
High Rank Chief of Police with Dennis P. Fitzgerald and Mark V. Tiniakos.
Rev. Fr. Christos J. Vagias with late Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago and Sotiris Vagias
Rev. Christos J. Vagias with Mark V. Tiniakos, former Board Member of St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Chicago.
Rev. Father, Christos J. Vagias, a former priest of St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Chicago, passed away recently in the Village of Mikrospilia, his hometown, in Arta, Greece. He served at St. George for over 35 years. From the first moment at the church, he was determined to organize the community of St. George and he worked diligently with perseverance and self-sacrifice for all the years without counting effort and toil. He worked for the Greek Christian ideals. A brilliant preacher of the Greek language, he preached the word of God in plain Greek that was understood by the common people. His sermon spoke to the hearts of the Greeks who gathered to hear him every Sunday. Over the years, St. George and Father Vagias, synonymous with the Christian faith, unchanged from the influence of English, became a deacon for the preservation of the Greek-Christian faith. The expansion of the building complex with the addition of the Gymnasium and a Community for social events is due to the perseverance and hard work of Father Vagias. Under his guidance, the community of St. George raised funds and with the personal work of its members, a new building was formed that covered the constant needs of the community. Throughout his ministry, Father Vagias offered support, help, and comfort to anyone in need. He is survived by Presbytera Konstantina, his three children, Ioannis, Sotiris, and Nektaria, and his grandchildren.
Left to right: Christos J. Vagias, His Eminence Metropolitan Athinagoras of Mexico and Very Rev. Fr. Simeon Johnson.
Remembering Nikos Pentzaropoulos, the amazing goalkeeper of the Panionios Football Team in Athens, Greece, who was highly recognized for his excellent ability and performance. He was born in1927 and passed away in 1979 following his battle with cancer. He started football at the age of thirteen in his neighborhood team and with the great talent he had, he was immediately placed in the first team of Panionios, and in1948 he was called to the National team. He was nicknamed “Hero of Tampere”, after a legendary performance with the Greek Olympic team in a match that took place in the city of Tampere in Finland during the Summer Olympic Games of 1952. While in Tampere, he was given the chance to sign a contract and start training with the Inter Milan team. He made the decision and in August 1952 he traveled to Milan, signed the contract, and started training with the Inter Team. Unfortunately, certain things went wrong and Nikos, very disappointed with the circumstances, had to return to the Panionios team. Apart from being a football player, Pentzaropoulos was also a field jumper with excellent performance, and also, played volleyball and basketball.
Pictured right is Ed Hozzian with others
at the U.S. Karate Hall of Fame
On October 6, 2024, the Annual Honoring and Remembering church singers and musicians took place at St. Andrew's Greek Orthodox Church in Chicago, who dedicated their talents in service to Christ and the Holy Church.
V. Rev. Fr. Simeon Johnson, Rev. Fr. Kosmas Kallis; Protopsaltis, Dino Theodoropoulos; Chanter, Stavros Spanakis; Dr. Peter Jermihov, Choir Director and members of the St. Andrew Church Choir
February 1, 2025
Dennis P. Fitzgerald,
Past Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus.
Very Rev. Joshua S. Caswell,
Superior General Canons Regular of St. John Cantius.
Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher / Editor, "ChicagoGreekPress.Com".
Group of friends gathered together on a cold December day to have lunch at Family Palace restaurant Dennis P. Fitzgerald and William S. Warnock and others
Dennis P. Fitzgerald and William S. Warnock of Knights of Columbus presented Georgia Tiniakos with a cooking book of "Ikaria" island in Greece
Georgia Tiniakos received a Greek flag from William S. Warnock and Dennis P. Fitzgerald of Knights of Columbus
Mark V. Tiniakos with Father Efraim
ON DECEMBER 22, 2023, Dennis P. Fitzgerald, Grand Knight and William S. Warnock, Warden, and other members of the Knights of Columbus, celebrated a Christmas lunch at Family Palace Restaurant where Dennis P. Fitzgerald treated everyone with a Christmas gift.
Pictured from top right are: Cas Golosinski, Nick Pappas, Bobby Dietz, Mitch Masalski, William S. Warnock, Dennis P. Fitzgerald, Tommy Angelo and Mark V. Tiniakos
June 22, 2024 - Knights of Columbus, 4th Degree Exemplification T St. John Brebeuf Parish, 8305 N. Harlem Avenue with New Sir Knight, Mark S. Dobzrycki and Grand Knight Dennis P. Fitzgerald. Congratulations Sir Knight Mark.
On June 22, 2024 at Kappy's Restaurant in Morton Grove, Illinois. Left to right: Warden of Knights of Columbus, William Warnock; Grand Knight Dennis P. Fitzgerald; Member of the Bagpipes and Drums of Emerald Society; Sir Knight Mark V. Tiniakos, and Steven Hermaz, member of Knights of Columbus.
Recently, a great reception took place at the Cook County Treasurer's Office, where Maria Pappas celebrated her birthday. There was a great number of attendees, including political figures, friends and employees of her office. Among the guests were Toni Preckwinkle, Cook County President, John Daley, Cook County Board Commissioner and others.
to right: John Daley, Cook County Board Commissioner,
Toni Preckwinkle, Cook County President, and Maria Pappas,
Cook County Treasurer
Maria Pappas with Irene Pentzaropoulou,
former Vice Consul of the Consulate
General of Greece in Chicago
A young violist playing a birthday song for Treasurer,
Maria Pappas
Cook County Treasurer, Maria Pappas,
in front of the table displaying her
birthday cake and other desserts
Consul General of Greece, Emmanuel Koubarakis (center) with
Anthony Xydis, Greek Language Instructor (right) with Mark V.
Tiniakos, Publisher/Editor of Chicago Greek Press
September 2, 2023... seated
from left to right: Mark V. Tiniakos,
Publisher and Editor of Chicago
Greek Press. Michael R. Masalski,
Trustee of Knights of Columbus.
Dennis P. Fitzgerald, Grand Knight,
Knights of Columbus. William S.
Warnock, Warden, Knights of Columbus,
Aris F. Yanibas, Esq., Attorney at Law, at
Dappers East Restaurant in Chicago
Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher and Editor of Chicago Greek Press with
Susan Pool of Rosenthal Fine Art Gallery.
Dennis Rosenthal, owner of Rosethal Fine Art Gallery (left) with
Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher and Editor of Chicago Greek Press, and Jeffrey Kirsch.
On September 12, 2024 at OMEGA Restaurant in Niles, Illinois, former Police Officers celebrated Jimmy Povolo's birthday, a former Chicago Police Officer. He received a beautiful birthday card signed by all of his friends along with several presents. Dennis P. Fitzgerald, Grand Knight of Knights of Columbus gave a nice speech.
A beautiful birthday cake for Jimmy's birthday. Pictured from left to right C. Gorski, B. Muscolino, H. Hanley, A. Castiglia, R. Dietz, T. Angelo, W. Warnock, D. Fitzgerald, M. Masalski, D. A. Lopez, J. Povolo, R. Terusaki, M. Tiniakos
Board Members of St. Athanasios Greek Orthodox Church are pictured with the new Rev. Fr. Amvrosios Diamantidis. Left to right are: Grigorios Loreno, Elias Mantis, Athanasia Horaiti, Christos Agaliou, Theodoros Daskalopoulos, Rev. Fr. Amvrosios Diamantidis, Georgios Daskalakis, Lambros Tzimas, Athanasios Vlahos and George Horaitis
Rev. Fr. Amvrosios Diamandidis with Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher and Editor of Chicago Greek Press
Σήμερα αποχαιρετήσαμε τη θεία Τζώρτζια
Με ιδιαίτερη λύπη σε εξαιρετικά φορτισμένο κλίμα έγινε σήμερα η εξοδιος της Γεωργίας Καλαμάτα χήρα Εμμανουηλ Δουβρη στο κοιμητήριο Πσπαγου όπου είχε ενταφιαστεί ο εκλιπών σύζυγος
Η Γεωργία Δουβρη υπήρξε εξαιρετικά αγαπητή σε πλήθος φίλων που προσήλθαν σήμερα να αποτίσουν το ύστατο χαίρε
Κοινωνική γενναιόδωρη μεγαλόκαρδη προσέφερε επι σειρά ετών πολλαπλές φροντίδες σε συγγενείς και φίλους
Γεννήθηκε στην Αθήνα μετέβη το 1952 στις ΗΠΑ εργάστηκε και διακρίθηκε στο Σικαγο και Οκλαχόμα με τον αείμνηστο σύζυγο της Εμμανουηλ πριν μετοικήσει στην Αθήνα οριστικά
Ζούσε στο Χαλάνδρι πλησίον της αδελφής της Κικής Καστανα
Άφησε την τελευταία της πνοή στις 26 Οκτωβρίου στην οικία της περιστοιχίζομε η από συγγενείς και φίλους μετά από μαχροχρονη ασθένεια σε ηλικία 90 ετών
Αφήνει αδελφή και ανιψιούς
On December 26, 2024, Dennis P. Fitzgerald, Grand Knight of Knights of Columbus celebrated his birthday at Omega Restaurant with his associates and friends. Pictured left to right are: Robert J. Muscolino; Mark V. Tiniakos; James R. Povolo; Robin Y. Terusaki; Allen J. Castiglia; Thomas M. Angelo; William S. Warnock; Michell R. Masalski; Robert H. Dietz; Dennis P. Fitzgerald and Harold J. Hanley.
Dennis P. Fitzgerald holding a piece of his birthday cake.
Very Rev. Vasilios (left) with Father Efraim during the celebration of St. Athanasios Day on January 18, 2024 in Chicago
Left to right are: Wayne C. Toberman, President of IPCC, Mark V.Tiniakos, Dennis P. Fitzgerald, Grand Knight
and William S. Warnock at
Dappairs East
On February 26, the International Press Club of Chicago had it's first General Membership Meeting of 2024, at the
Mc Cook Bohemian Restaurant, located in Mc Cook, Illinois. At 7 pm, Advisory Board member John Chenier called the room to order to convene the first IPCC Board and Officer Election since COVID restrictions and related illnesses were finished.
The results of the election, following his dissolution of the existing Board of Directors structure, and the collection and tabulation of the ballots, is as follows:
Wayne Toberman
Vice President:
Ehren Muhammad
Richard Cornell
Michael A. Salim
Board of Diectors:
Mark Tiniakos
John Fascia
Donald Sender
T. Dianne Chenier
Dr. Hande Ozdinler
Dr. Daniel Ivankovich
Michael Willoughby
And Newly Appointed Director William Ryan
The New 2024 IPCC Officers will serve a 1 year term and the Board of Diectors a 2 year term.
On January 28, 2024, the Office of the Cook County Treasurer celebrated the New Year with the tradition of
cutting the Vasilopita. Vasilopita is a Greek New Year’s Day cake with a coin hidden inside.
A piece of the Vasilopita cake is cut for each family member. If the coin is found in your piece,
it’s believed you will have good luck for the rest of the year. Metropolitan Nathanael celebrated
the New Year by cutting and distributing the Vasilopita to see who will have especially good fortune in 2025!
The event was attended by Cook County Board President, Toni Preckwinkle, His Eminence Metropolitan
Nathanael of Chicago, Fr. Chrysanthos Kerkeres of St. George Greek Orthodox Church,
Fr. Peter Sarolas of St. George Greek Orthodox Church, Fr. Stamatios Sfikas of Annunciation Cathedral,
Consul General of Greece Emmanuel Koubarakis, elected officials, and community leaders.
Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas pictured with the Clergy and official attending guests
Maria Pappas, Treasurer of Cook County (center) with His Eminence
Metropolitan Nathanael of Chicago
Maria Pappas, Treasurer of Cook County, during the cutting of Vasilopita, along
with his Emincence Metropolitan Nathanael, Rev. Fr. Stamatios Sfikas and Emmanuel
Koubarakis, Consul General of Greece in Chicago
The Annual Greek Independence Day Parade occurred on Sunday, March 26, 2023, at the Greektown on Halsted Street, in Chicago. The participants were from all Parishes of Chicago with their floats and children from their schools along with Honorary guests and dignitaries.
Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher/Editor of
Chicago Greek Press with U.S.
Ambassador in Greece, George Tsounis (right)
Maria Pappas, Cook County Treasurer along with His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael of Chicago and
Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher/Editor of Chicago Greek Press
At Broken Ora Bar & Grill, Port Barrington
Left to right: Wayne Toberman; William S. Warnock; Dr. Alexandra Douvas; Mark V. Tiniakos; Dr. Ariel Katz, Georgia Tiniakos, and Dennis Fitzgerald
Left to right: Cas Golosinski; William S. Warnock, Steven Hermaz; Georgia Tiniakos; Mark V. Tiniakos, and Dennis Fitzgerald
Lovely Easter dinner with left to right Ramzi, Linda, Julet, Georgia and Steven.
On January 31, 2023, Paul Vallas, a candidate for Mayor of Chicago,
was at the Luncheon at the City Club of Chicago and spoke about
the school system and the crime in the City of Chicago. Paul Vallas has
devoted his life to public service in and out of government and is
experienced in leading people, solving problems, and building
initiatives across political boundaries.
Pictured left, Sharon Vallas, wife of Paul Vallas, and Mark V. Tiniakos,
Publisher and Editor, Chicago Greek Press.
At St. Andrews Greek Orthodox Church
Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher and Editor Chicago Greek Press picture with His Grace Ierotheos and Rev. Fr. Panayiotis K. Malamis
Very Rev. Gerasimos Marouthas with Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher and Editor Chicago Greek Press
On January 23, 2023, Cook County Sheriff, Tom Dart, was at the City Club
of Chicago and talked with Don Gibbons, the City Club Vice Chair, about
the Cook Cook Jail and its prisoners. Sheriff Dart has dedicated his career
to challenging injustice and fighting the violence plaguing our communities.
Pictured left, Sheriff of Cook County, Tom Dart with Mark V. Tiniakos,
Publisher and Editor of Chicago Greek Press
Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher and Editor of Chicago Greek Press (left) with Richard Irvin, Mayor of Aurora, at the Polish American Police Association of Chicago and Illinois Award Banquet
After Nights Of Columbus meeting at FOP, picture of four members Of Knights Of Columbus, from left to right are Ken Hozzian, Mark V Tiniakos, Ed Hozzain, and Steven Hermaz.
At The Great Escape, left to right Mark V. Tiniakos, William S. Warnock, and Dennis Fitzgerald grand knight Of Knights Of Columbus.
Left to right: Judge Anthony C. Kyriakopoulos; Kostas Chraniotakis, President of ENOSIS; Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher/Editor of Chicago Greek Press; His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America and Maria Pappas, Cook County Treasurer.
Left to right: Dimitrios Giannetos; Mark V. Tiniakos, Judge Jesse G. Reyes and Tom Arianas of Spartan Society.
Remembering great memories with friends at a reception, celebrating and honoring the Greek Independence Day of March 25th in Chicago.
Left to right are Irene Pentzaropoulou, Vice Consul of Greece. Hon. Jim Edgar, Governor of the State of Illinois. Demetrios Zevelakis, Consul of Greece, and Thomas Stavrides, Vice Consul of Greece.
Rev. Fr. Panagiotis K. Malamis with Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher and Editor
of Chicago Greek Press
Georgia Tiniakos received a Greek flag from William S. Warnock
and Dennis P. Fitzgerald of Knights of Columbus
Dennis P. Fitzgerald and William S. Warnock of
Knights of Columbus presented Georgia Tiniakos
with a cooking book of "Ikaria" island in Greece
On December 6, 2024, Cook County Treasurer, Maria Pappas, held a Christmas party at her Office. On display there were small Christmas trees from all over the world. Many guests participated in the event, including several officials and Consul Generals from many countries.
Traditional Dance Groups performed during the event.
Maria Pappas singing Christmas Carols
Maria Pappas, Cook County Treasurer with
Toni Preckwinkle, Cook County President,
singing Christmas Carols with others
Peter Kamberos (center) with Tim Maeder and
Frank Lucas
Left to right: Pastor T.L. Barrett; Pastor John Harrell;
Maria Pappas, Cook County Treasurer and Toni Preckwinkle,
Cook County President
Maria Pappas, Cook County Treasurer with Mark V. Tiniakos,
Publisher and Editor of Chicago Greek Press
Christmas trees on display.
General, Ioannis Metaxas, Prime Minister of Greece with King George B, and Marshal, Alexandros Papagos, along with Crown Prince of Greece, Paul B', during the Greek-Italian War in 1940
On March 23, 2024, the Knights of Columbus, St. Michael the Archangel Police Council #12173, celebrated its 26th Anniversary Celebration Dinner Banquet at Gaelic Park in Oak Forest, Illinois.
The Knights of Columbus Council is a unique council with members from throughout Chicago, suburbs, twelve States and all four time zones of North America. The Council has all aspects of law enforcement, City, County, State, Federal and the Military are within the Council to include civic leaders from City, County, State and Federal. The 2024 Man of the Year honoree was the Mayor of Rosemont, Illinois, the Honorable Bradley A. Stephens, 20th District, State Representative, Illinois, proud council member of Knights of Columbus, Police Council.
Ed Hozzian and Mark V. Tiniakos,
Members of Knights of Columbus
38th Ward Alderman Nicholas Sposato with Sir Knight
Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher/Editor of Chicago Greek Press
Left to right: Dennis P. Fitzgerald, Grand Knight,
Congressman/Brother Knight Dan Lipinski and
Sir Knight Mark V. Tiniakos
Members of Knights of Columbus
Alderman Nicholas Sposato receives
an award from Dennis P. Fitzgerald,
Grand Knight, Chicago Police Council
Recently, Mark V. Tiniakos of the Chicago Greek Press, met with the Honorable
Charles P. Kocoras, United States District Judge for the Northern District of Illinois, and
talked about current and passed issues of interest. The Greek-American community
has honored Judge Kocoras multiple times over the years with multiple awards for his
many services and achievements.
The Honorable Charles P. Kocoras with Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher and Editor and of the
Chicago Greek Press
Picture left to right: John Kass, former reporter of Chicago Tribune with Dennis Fitzgerald, Grand Knight,
Picture left to right: John Kass, former reporter of Chicago Tribune with Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher and Editor of Chicago Greek Press.
In 1997, I had the blessing to meet with His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew when he visited the Chicago area and I met him at the Chicago Metropolis, located at 40 East Burton Place, Chicago. A special reception was held at the Metropolis to honor him. The late Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago and other high-ranking church officials welcomed the Patriarch. Also, distinguished members of the Greek community attended the reception.
The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew with Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher and Editor of Chicago Greek Press.
Εγινε πρόσφατα το Ετήσιο Πανηγύρι στον Καθεδρικό Ναό του Ευαγγελισμού της Θεοτόκου στο
Σικάγο με τριήμερο πανυγηρικό πρόγραμμα και κλασσικές Ελληνικές σπεσιαλιτέ.
Πλήθος κόσμου επισκέφθηκε τον Καθεδρικό Ναό οπου είχε την ευκαιρία να διασκεδάσει
με Ελληνική μουσική και χορούς κάθε απόγευμα και να δοκιμάσει εκλεκτά εδέσματα από
το μεσημέρι μέχρι το βράδυ. Η εορτή του Πατέρα συνέπεσε με τον ετήσιο εορτασμό του
Greek Fest που προσελκύει πολλά άτομα και προσφέρει ένα γνήσιο Ελληνικό γλέντι σε
ομογενείς και όλους όσους το επισκέπτονται.
Ιερατικώς Προϊστάμενος του Καθεδρικού
Ναού Σικάγου, Ιερεύς Σταμάτιος Γ. Σφίκας
Γεωργία Τηνιακού και Ιερεύς Σταμάτιος Γ. Σφίκας
Οι επισκέπτες χορεύουν παραδοσιακούς
Ελληνικούς χορούς
Οι επισκέπτες χορεύουν παραδοσιακούς
Ελληνικούς χορούς
Consul Generals of various countries
Members of Knights of Columbus, St. Michael Archangel, Police Council #12173 who advanced to 4th Degree on February 22, 2020.
Emmanuel Hatzisavas with Mark V. Tiniakos
Mark V. Tiniakos with Mohammad Mansoori in
front of the displayed Greek tree
Members of the St. Michael the Archangel Police Council 12173
Members of the St. Michael the Archangel Police Council 12173 praying for law enforcement members at the Gold Star Families Memorial and Park
Mark V. Tiniakos with Hon. Attorney General for the State of Illinois Kwame Raul
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Left to right: Emmanuel Hatzisavas,
Maria Pappas, Cook County Treasurer,
Nick Tiniakos, Peter Karahalios, attorney-
at-law, and Dimitrios Dallas
Left to right: Paul Vallas, former
Candidate for Mayor of Chicago,
Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher & Editor
of Chicago Greek Press, Nikos Galis,
famous basketball player, and Emmanuel
Koubarakis, Consul General of Greece
John Manos, former President of
Cretan Fraternity of Chicago with
Marianthi Zervas, current President of
Cretan Fraternity of Chicago
Jim Ascot, former
Candidate of 34th Ward Alderman,
George Mavropoulos, President of Pontian
Society and Mark V. Tiniakos, Publisher and
Editor of Chicago Greek Press
Anna Giannoulias with Mark V. Tiniakos